A comprehensive neuropsychological and educational assessment will be necessary to determine whether or not your child has dyslexia and/or any other related disorders. Here are some local assessment centers and neuropsychologists in and around Lexington (Please note: these are listed for resource purposes only and do not represent an endorsement by Parents Group of Lexington, LexSEPTA, LexSEPAC or the Lexington Public Schools)
1. Concord Comprehensive Neuropsychological Services 86 Baker Avenue Extension, Suite 301 Concord, MA 01742 ph: 978-341-4992 email:[email protected] https://ccnsphd.com
2. Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children and Adolescents (NESCA) 55 Chapel Street, Suite 202, Newton, MA Phone: 617-658-9800 http://www.nesca-newton.com
3. Dr. Lynn Chachkes School Psychologist and Independent Practitioner 11 River Street 2nd Floor Wellesley, MA [email protected]
4. Dr. Ann Brochin One Washington Street Wellesley, MA 02481 617-964-6630