We are inviting Lexington students and recent alumni to create a short, up to three minute video describing your journey with dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD. You can record it on your iphones or ipads and be as creative as you would like in telling your story. You have the option of saying your first name and showing your face as you tell you story, or being more anonymous, and just telling your story with narrative audio and images.
The purpose of these video stories is to:
Raise awareness of dyslexia and ADD/ADHD and what kids experience
Help other kids understand and learn what you have experienced so that they can recognize this in themselves and realize that they are not alone
Especially with any of the following: --Dyslexia: struggling with reading, writing and spelling --ADD: struggling with attention, focusing, motivation, planning, organization and time management --ADHD: challenged by managing hyperactivity, impulsivity and emotional regulation
Help LPS teachers and administrators understand what dyslexia and ADD/ADHD looks like in their classrooms and how to best help kids like you
Where will the videos will be shown?
The videos will be compiled and uploaded to a private YouTube video available only as a private link (not publicly shared)
We plan to hold a film screening in Lexington in the Fall of 2023 (date and location TBD)
Videos will also be shared with LPS educators
Questions to answer in your video (no more than three minutes):
1.) What is your Name? First Name ONLY (if you chose to identify yourself)
2.) What is your Current Grade (for alumni: your current age and the year you graduated)
3.) What are your earliest memories of struggling to read and/or write and/or with attention/focusing, organization, and/or hyperactivity?
4.) When did you find out you had dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD?
5.) What does dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD look like for you: --What do you struggle most with (for older kids, also mention what was hard for you when you were younger) -- What are some of advantages of having Dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD --Any specific examples or experiences you can share is very helpful?
6.) What are your passions/interests and what are you really good at? --Some kids feel powerful when they do activities they love, and this gives them a sense that it's their "Super Power." What is your Super Power?
7.) What do you want teachers to understand about how you learn and what you need as a learner?
8.) What do you want to say to kids who are just learning that they have dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD and beginning to understand their own learning differences?
Make your story unique to you and let your personality shine through
There are no right or wrong answers, only what is true for you
Only share what you feel comfortable sharing
Don't mention names of specific teachers
Tik Tok video is ok, just make sure it's clear and easy to understand
Keep it G rated and no profanity
Write it out first and rehearse it before recording
Have fun!
Please submit your .mp4 format Video (up to 3 minutes) to LHS student video producer, Joshua Yaar (LHS Class of 2025): jo[email protected]