Dyslexia: What 21st Century Science Has Taught Us by Dr. Sally Shaywitz When: November 6th Time: 7-9 PM Where: Lexington High School Auditorium Register Here
World renowned expert on dyslexia and reading, Sally E. Shaywitz, M.Dwill present on the latest research on dyslexia: the neural systems of dyslexia and the reading brain, the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, the importance of early screening to identify children at risk of dyslexia, the strengths of people with dyslexia, along with effective evidence-based interventions that are essential to ensure positive outcomes for at-risk, vulnerable children.
Dr. Sally Shaywitz is the Audrey G. Ratner Professor in Learning Development at Yale University and Co-Founder and Co-Director of theYale Center for Dyslexia & Creativityand author of Overcoming Dyslexia, 2nd edition. Signed copies of her book will be available for purchase at the event, sponsored by Maxima Books of Lexington. This event is sponsored by LexSEPTA, lexsepta.org & the Dyslexia Parents Group of Lexington, in partnership with LPS, COD, LHRC, CAAL, JPLex, CALex, KOLex, IAL, ABCL, BALex and LexPride.
Fall 2023 Meetings
Evening Meetings Date: Tuesday, November 7th Time: 7:00pm - 8:45pm Place: Zoom Meeting RSVP for link: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, December 5th Time: 7:00pm - 8:45pm Place: Lexington Community Center, Room 221 RSVP: [email protected]
Morning Coffee Meetings Date: Wednesday, November 15th Time: 9:30 - 11:30AM Place: Via Lago Restaurant, 1845 Mass Ave, Lexington RSVP: [email protected]
Our Dyslexia Parents Group is open to Lexington parents who have a child struggling to read and/or write, who need more information on how to support them and who want to join an amazing and supportive group of parents. We are a subgroup of the Lexington Special Education Parent Teacher Association/Parent Advisory Council: LexSEPTA/SEPAC (www.lexsepta.org).
Past Events & Meetings
Dr. Ned Hallowell: Making your life VAST and full of potential with ADHD
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023 Time: Time:7:00pm - 8:30pm Location:Lexington High School Auditorium Sponsored by LexSEPTA/SEPAC Registration Here& Please consider donating to LexSEPTA/SEPAC to help with these and other education programs for parents and students with learning differences.
Description What if instead of thinking of ADHD as a deficit and a disorder, we saw it for what it really is, a way of being in the world which, with the right support, can be a wonderful way of being? Come learn all about the term VAST: Variable Attention Stimulus Trait, which allows for positive attributes, not just negative ones. Dr Hallowell explains the rich and complex world of VAST and how a simple change in framing can set off an entire shift in thinking and treatment.
October 2022 Meetings
October 2022 Dyslexia & ADHD Awareness Month Film Screening & Community Conversation: Normal Isn't Real: Succeeding with Learning Disabilities & ADHD
This film is a series of 4 mini documentary-style videos featuring successful young adults (two of whom are from MA) sharing their stories of coming to terms with their challenges and triumphs with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. These candid portraits take the viewer into the subjects' daily lives; showcasing their talents, venting their frustrations with school, and highlighting the strategies they use to manage their challenges and utilize their strengths. The documentary will leave viewers equipped with insights and tools they might adapt to their own lives, the lives of students, or in the lives of family members with similar learning struggles, plus a large dose of inspiration.
Following the film, we will break out into small groups to have a community conversation, guided by discussion questions and then end with sharing our insights and suggestions with the larger group of attendees. Date: Thursday, October 20, 2022 TIme: 6:30 - 9:00PM Location: Hastings Elementary School Register Here
Dyslexia &ADHD Awareness Month Storytime at Cary Library (ages 5 and up) Date: Monday, October 17th & October 24th Time: 4:30—5:00 PM Location: Large Meeting Room (Lower Level), Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington No Registration Required In honor of Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness month, please join us for a special storytime featuring stories that celebrate characters with dyslexia or ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Our guest readers will be Lexington teens who also share one, or both, of these lived experiences and will share stories that have been meaningful to them as well as some of their personal stories. Kids will be able to ask questions and share their own stories, as they are comfortable, in a supportive environment
Dyslexia &ADHD Awareness Month Storywalk
To celebrate neurodiversity in LPS, throughout the month of October, please take a walk through our Storywalk Exhibit currently on display outside of Diamond, Clarke, the Lexington Community Center and in the Children's Library and the Teen Room at Cary Library. They are also currently on view outside of Harrington, Bridge and Bowman until October 15th, followed by Hastings, Estabrook and Fiske starting October 15th through the end of October.
The Storywalk displays LPS student "stories" about their learning differences and challenges, how they overcome their challenges, what they love and excel at, along with their favorite books shown in colorful illustrations. We encourage everyone to view the Storywalk and we hope it will celebrate and raise awareness of learning differences in our community, and inspire positive conversations.
Our 2022 Dyslexia & ADHD Awareness Month is Sponsored by Lexington Special Education Parent Advisory Council/PTA (LexSEPAC/SEPTA ); In Partnership with Lexington Public Schools, Lexington Human Rights Committee, Lexington Commission on Disabilities, Indian Americans of Lexington, Chinese American Association of Lexington, Japanese Support Group of Lexington, Korean Organization of Lexington, Association of Black Citizens of Lexington, Lex Pride, Bangladeshi Americans of Lexington and Chinese Americans of Lexington.